General Questions
What is PDF ChatUp?

PDF ChatUp is a mobile app that allows you to chat with your documents on the go using the power of AI. In addition, PDF ChatUp offers a variety of AI tools to boost your productivity.

How does it work?

Begin by creating a custom chatbot, specifying a list of documents you wish to query. Once your chatbot is created, ask any questions relating to the document. The underlying AI model will retrieve any relevant information from the document and give you a well-informed answer, making sure to cite the list of sources used.

Why don't you offer a free version?

Unfortunately, PDF ChatUp incurs server costs required to run various AI models. Since we don’t advertise or sell your data, the revenue obtained from selling in-app credits is used to pay for these servers. Nevertheless, there is no subscription model, and you only pay for what you use. (See in-app premium page for more info).
Contact us if you’re a new account and would like some free credits to try out the app.

What document types does PDF ChatUp support?

At present supported documents include; ‘.docx’, ‘.pptx’, ‘.epub’, ‘.md’, ‘.txt’, and ‘.odt’. Let us know if you would like us to add more document types.

Data related Questions
Is my data safe/secure?

Your files are encrypted during transit and stored on a fully managed and secure infrastructure. Our storage vendor is SOC2 Type 2 certified, (a certification based on the COSO framework).

How long do you keep my documents for?

Data for chatbots created by free users is completely deleted after 21 days of inactivity (3 weeks).

Account related questions
Why do you need an account?

To be able to tie credit purchases to specific accounts. PDF ChatUp is cross platform (available on android and iOS), and the same account with premium benefits can be used on various devices.

Still have a question? Get in touch